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« Uhh, no. | Main | Poof! »

January 15, 2008



I totally agree with you. I could care less if baseball players or rappers use steroids. It isn't important. But I suppose it makes the congress people feel like they are doing something.


I totally agree with you. I could care less if baseball players or rappers use steroids. It isn't important. But I suppose it makes the congress people feel like they are doing something.


So am I in trouble for being on a steroid inhaler for my respiratory issues?


While I dont think this is the biggest issue in the world, it is still something that should be addressed.
God knows the damage that has been done to woman making themselves fit a social sterotype of femininity. The same can be said for men with 'masculinity'.

Saying that, anyone who is stupid enough to juice gets everything they deserve.

Jeremy Machetta

I didn't know steriods where against the law for any ole person to be taking. I just thought it was against the sports industry laws? but I could be wrong I guess?

ryan charisma

I agree with you. What care I or anyone, for that matter if some arbitrary rapper juiced up for extra beef? Or Mary J. took HGH to thin out and make her skin better? It's their body and their choice.

However, for sports - it's cheating. I really, really believe that if a sportfigure used steriods they should be dropped from the game, and any honors that they acquired with them. Cheating IS cheating, there's no wiggle room.


Ryan, I agree with you completely about steroids vis a vis in sports. However, it's the sports' organizations responsibility to create policy and exact punishment for their athletes, not the job of the US Senate.

Rick Andreoli

Doesn't this all kind of harken back to the people who are scared of legalizing pot (which doesn't involve any kind of "rage" like steroids can in certain people)? It's also interesting how fewer and fewer people seem to mind steroid use. It will be interesting to see how opinions change as younger people mature and get into positions of power; if they don't see steroids as such a big deal, will the laws change?

And will this mean more gay for pay porn actors? Just curious.


I think the issue of students and accademics using drugs like ritalin for mental rather than physical performance enhancing is gonna have to have a good looking at at some point.

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